Database Setup Notes

NoSQL Database

The database of choice that I decided to adopt in this category was ElasticSearch.

Options for reading this article

A lot of trial and error took place to get to my installation solution over a period of almost 6 months.

If you wish to fast-forward to how I installed ElasticSearch successfully, read Successful installation.

The errors I realized (and then fixed) simplified were:

Docker error

If you wish to learn more about my journey, keep reading the next section.

Local ElasticSearch setup

Based on the page where one could get started, I went to their download page.

I decided to first set it up locally on my Windows.

Docker setup on Windows: my experience

Elasticsearch runs within a Docker container, so I went here to download Docker Desktop.

If you directly attempt to install Docker Desktop, you get the following error:

Docker error

As per the guidance in this article I managed the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) by entering my Command Prompt and running the commands below:

WMI commands 1

WMI commands 2

I then rebooted and voila!

Docker success

However when I started Docker, I got the following notice:

Docker error 2

So as per the advice in these 2 articles (here and here), I ran the following commands in Windows Powershell as an admin:

Admin Powershell Output 1

However, due to the error shown, I had to navigate to control panel “Turn Windows Features on or off” and select the checkbox for the feature pointed at (as you can see, it was off):

Turn Windows Features On 1

Turn Windows Features On 2

Once I checked it and the update finished installation, I got the following prompt to restart my machine:

Turn Windows Features On 3

To turn on Virtualization in the BIOS menu, as per this article, when restarting the computer, press esc and F10 until you access the black screen appears click F10 to enter the BIOS menu.

Once in the BIOS menu, navigate to the Virtualization option and select Enable.

When opening Docker again, I got a new error:

Docker error 2

When I went to this link, I ran the wsl.exe --update command in Powershell as an admin like so:

Docker error 2

Voila! The docker engine can now run.

Docker success 2

To configure memory to 4 GB as per the ElasticSearch README file in the installation package, I followed this resource, this resource and this resource to create a .wslconfig file.

I then ran the following commands:

WSL configuration 1

This caused the following prompt to appear:

WSL configuration 2

Once I clicked Restart, the WSL debugger and Docker opened and ran the updates from the .wslconfig file like so:

WSL configuration 3


Update: When I attempted to open docker in a new session after restarting and effecting the configuration settings, I was unable to start Docker (both normally and as an admin). I was forced to do a Factory Reset to get Docker up and running once more.

ElasticSearch Setup

In the virtual environment of my project, as per the ElasticSearch README file in the installation package I ran the following commands:

docker network create elastic
docker pull

This enabled me to install ElasticSearch successfully, as per the status below:

Elasticsearch success

For my purposes, I only installed ElasticSearch and Kibana.


As per these instructions, I installed components in the following order:

  • ElasticSearch:

docker pull
docker network create elastic
docker run --name elasticsearch --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -t
  • Kibana:

docker pull
docker run --name kibana --net elastic -p 5601:5601

16.08.2023 Update:

However, it was very difficult to replicate results, and wsl (Linux in a Windows environment) is not a debugging platform. This meant that for almost 2 weeks, my Windows machine was hanging, and security components for ElasticSearch did not automatically install, making it impossible for the enrollment code needed by Kibana to be generated.

For this reason, I decided to install ElasticSearch and use it in a Virtual Private Server.

Virtual ElasticSearch setup

Attempt 1

My first attempt was guided by this article.

The first error I came across was (even after successfully running ElasticSearch and Kibana on the server)
having empty responses from the server and not being able to connect to the server internally as shown by the screenshots below:

error in elasticsearch 1

error in elasticsearch 2

error in elasticsearch 3

error in elasticsearch 4

Lessons Learnt after the 1st attempt

  1. The default setup of elasticsearch creates self-signing certificates making it difficult to user curl to connect.

  2. If you attempt to access the database from the command line, it may require addition configurations to your VPS.

Attempt 2

I then attempted to set up ElasticSearch as a package within the server itself instead of installing from the archive as per this article and this article.

The first error I came across was this one:

error in elasticsearch 5

I used this article, this article and this article to resolve the problem, as shown below:

solution for elasticsearch 1

solution for elasticsearch 2

solution for elasticsearch 3

solution for elasticsearch 4

solution for elasticsearch 5

Run once more:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/droplet-agent.list

solution for elasticsearch 6

solution for elasticsearch 7

The service install for both elasticsearch and kibana went smoothly from that point as shown below:

solution for elasticsearch 8

solution for elasticsearch 9

solution for elasticsearch 10

solution in elasticsearch 11

However, I ran into the same problem faced in attempt 1:

error in elasticsearch 6

error in elasticsearch 7

Attempt 3

In this partially successful attempt, I set up ElasticSearch within Docker on the server itself as per this article, this article and this article as shown below:

This will only work if logged in as a user with sudo rights.

Step 1: Prep the server to install Docker

solution in elasticsearch 12

solution in elasticsearch 13

Step 1 Commands

Commands ran were:

  1. Update all packages in the server

sudo apt update
  1. Install apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, curl and software-properties-common packages, just in case they are not installed.

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
  1. Download and save the GPG key for the official Docker repository and have the downloaded repo recognized by APT.

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
  1. Update the system for the changes to be recognized and ensure that you are downloading from the official Docker website.

sudo apt update
apt-cache policy docker-ce
Step 2: Install Docker and set up the user to be recognized by Docker

solution in elasticsearch 14

solution in elasticsearch 15

Step 2 Commands

Commands ran were:

  1. Install Docker.

sudo apt install docker-ce
  1. Check that Docker is running.

sudo systemctl status docker
  1. Avoid typing sudo in front of docker commands by adding superuser to the docker user group.

sudo usermod -aG docker superuser
su - superuser
  1. Confirm that superuser now belongs to the docker group.

Step 3: Prep system for Elasticsearch and pull the Elasticsearch image from Docker

solution in elasticsearch 16

Step 3 Commands

Commands ran were:

  1. Determine current maximum RAM memory allocation.

sudo sysctl -a | grep vm.max_map_count
  1. Set the required maximum RAM memory allocation required by ElasticSearch.

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  1. Create a new Docker network for ElasticSearch called elastic.

docker network create elastic
  1. Download/Pull from Docker the ElasticSearch image.

docker pull
Step 4: Pull the Kibana image from ElasticSearch

solution in elasticsearch 16

Step 4 Commands

Commands ran were:

  1. Download/Pull from Docker the Kibana image.

docker pull

N/B: Ensure that the version number of Kibana matches the version number of ElasticSearch.

Step 5: Configure ElasticSearch for the first time

In a new terminal, run a new Docker container for ElasticSearch named kip-db (or any other name of your choice) that is 1GB in size within the elastic network by typing the command below:

docker run --name kip-db --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -it -m 1GB

When starting up for the first time, it will output the below:

solution in elasticsearch 16

In another new terminal, run a new container for kibana named kib01 within the elastic network by typing the command below:

docker run --name kib01 --net elastic -p 5601:5601

When starting up for the first time, it will output the below:

solution in elasticsearch 17

As per the instruction from the terminal running Kibana, I input and pasted the enrollment code (copied from the terminal running ElasticSearch) as shown below:

solution in elasticsearch 18

I clicked the Configure ElasticSearch button with the following results:

solution in elasticsearch 19

Once configuration was complete, I was able to log in using the username and password as per the instruction from the terminal running ElasticSearch:

solution in elasticsearch 20

Resulting in the following homepage:

solution in elasticsearch 21

And one can add a point of ingestion of data, as shown below:

solution in elasticsearch 21

Step 5 Notes

  • Once the credentials in each of the terminals are displayed, take note of them. I recommend taking a snip of the 2 terminal outputs.

  • The reason you don’t run or http://localhost:5601/?code=461789 is because your browser is installed locally and you need to access remote server IP address to access Kibana.
    Previous attempts to configure the browser on the server and using curl did not work, so it’s easier to access Kibana from your local device instead of from the server.

  • If done with setup and with no other task to complete, you can close ElasticSearch as follows:

    1. Log out of Kibana from the local browser and close the tab

    2. Return to the terminal where Kibana is running and Ctrl+C to shut it down, then close the terminal with the exit command

    3. Return to the terminal where ElasticSearch is running and Ctrl+C to shut it down, then close the terminal with the exit command entered twice.


Do NOT attempt to copy output from the terminal via Ctrl+C! Right-click, then select Copy or type manually in a text editor on your local machine to avoid interfering with the background processes.

Lessons learnt after Attempt 3 changed from success to failure

  1. Installing the db as a Docker container allows you to set up successfully, but it becomes very difficult to access it the 2nd time entering the server - in this way, it becomes largely unusable.

  2. Following this approach makes it difficult to automate in the future and keep ElasticSearch continuously running.

Successful installation

Lessons learnt after the 4th attempt that changed Attempt 2 from failure to success

Key Articles:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg

What made the above code work is:

  • -fsSL silences all progress and possible errors (except for a server failure)

  • is where the Elasticsearch public signing key is located

  • | means collect of the output from the curl -fsSL command and pipe into the gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg command

  • sudo is the command that allows a user with admin rights act like the root user

  • gpg --dearmor command converts the key into a format that the apt package can recognize and use to verify downloaded packages

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

What made the above code work is:

  • echo displays the output from "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" where:

    • The deb package is signed by (signed-by=) the key readable by apt - /usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg

    • The location of the deb package is if downloading the latest version of ElasticSearch 7.x (versions in this series are from 7.0 up to 7.17)

    • The suite of the package being downloaded is a stable release (stable) and does not have any dependencies that need to be installed alongside it (main) as per this article.

  • Output from echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" is a list file (elastic-7.x.list) piped to the sources.list.d directory where it will be recognized by apt through the tee command, which writes stdout (output) to file

  • -a tells tee that while writing to not overwrite the files but instead append to the list file as per this article.

sudo apt update

The above code updates all package lists on the machine so that APT can recognize the new Elastic source.

With the above pre-work complete, we can now install ElasticSearch:

sudo apt install elasticsearch

The next step is to configure network settings in the elasticsearch.yml file to recognize localhost; at this point, you can name your node and cluster.

After configuration, you can start, then enable ElasticSearch (to run upon system startup every time) using systemctl by running the following commands:

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch

Finally, the firewall is configured for the particular server to listen on the server where we installed ElasticSearch e.g.

sudo ufw allow from to any port 9200
sudo ufw enable

When you test your db with curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200', it should now work!


To install Kibana as a Debian package, you need Nginx; run the following commands:

sudo apt install nginx
sudo apt install kibana

Remember once installed to first start Kibana then enable it:

sudo systemctl start kibana
sudo systemctl enable kibana

Using OpenSSL, create a kibana administrator username (kibanaadmin) and generate a password, which you will save in /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users

echo "kibanaadmin:`openssl passwd -apr1`" | sudo tee -a /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users

Create a Nginx file in the sites-avaialble folder for your public domain ( using nano

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/

In the file, you can paste the following:

server {
    listen 80;


    auth_basic "Restricted Access";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Create a symbolic link to the sites-enabled directory:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Test your new Nginx configuration:

sudo nginx -t

If no errors are thrown (sometimes the error can be due to you misspelling your domain at a particular step in your Nginx configuration process) then you can reload without having to stop then start the Nginx service:

sudo systemctl reload nginx

Amend the firewall to give full access to Nginx:

sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

Enable the firewall to recognize the new rules:

sudo ufw enable

You should now see the Kibana status page in your browser by typing:

To view the Kibana homepage, just go directly to the domain itself - it should redirect you to


Please Note:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

After running the command above, you should get the following status after running sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch:

Elasticsearch enabled

You may be tempted to change the code to:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list

However, what may happen is when you sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch the output highlighted in red will be missing:

Elasticsearch enabled

An explanation for this can be found in ElasticSearch documentation:

Elasticsearch enabled