Welcome to Data Pipelining!
Welcome to Data Pipelining!#
What is Data Pipelining?#
Have you ever had to write a tough essay?
You first had to refer to your handwritten (or digital) notes, right?
You then probably had to go online and get a couple articles to read as well as the recommended textbooks from your teacher, right?
After that, you were able to make shorthand notes to read based on these resources, right?
What if I told you that you did data pipelining without knowing?
Data pipelining is the process of
Identifying data from internal sources,
Collecting data from many sources very different from each other,
Integrating the data to be consistent,
Validating the data to be reliable and relevant,
Organizing the data in such a way that the right user can access the right data at the right time, and
Securing the data so that it is not tampered with and there is no unauthorized access.