Welcome to Data Storytelling!#

People generally need to go beyond the jargon because, as mentioned earlier, we are increasingly working with apps and websites that make use of machine learning and artifical intelligence.

Human beings naturally respond to compelling narrative.

They also naturally respond to beautiful visuals.

Additionally, they naturally respond to captivating sound.

So how can we combine what human beings gravitate to with data analysis and modelling results?

That’s where data storytelling comes in.

Data Storytelling is

  1. Relating the data problem to audience pain points,

  2. Presenting analysis and modelling results as audience solutions,

  3. Discovering how the analysis and/or model work/s under the hood in relatable language and stories,

  4. Mobilizing the audience to make objective decisions and take decisive actions that make sense in their context.

It leverages stories communicated beautifully and simply through a variety of mediums for organizational, community, national and global impact. It is dominant in Infographic Design, Data Science, Business Intelligence and Data Analysis.

A couple of data stories that I have created in the past can be found here.